Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What Makes A Music Piece Unique: Chord Qualities

Babies born with identical physical characteristics. Photo Credits

Can you imagine a world where people, instead of being born with unique characteristics, are born having the same physical appearance, personality and interests?

Herd of Zebras. Photo Credits

How about a world where all of the living things such as animals, plants, trees, and flowers are exactly the same? All trees, plants, and flowers have the same size, color, and shape and even the striping pattern on a zebra is the same for all the zebras in the world.

Or what if every house, building, store, church, and street looked exactly the same?

If you live in a world like that, then it would be very difficult to know which of which is your house or your friend or your pet. It would bring a lot of chaos and cause confusion. It would also be very boring and unpleasant world.

A piece with only one note.

In the same way, if there was only one type of note/chord in music, would you enjoy listening to a musical piece that would surely sound the same from the start to finish? It wouldn't even be qualified to be called musical at all, right?

A girl not enjoying the music. Photo Credits

Fortunately, we are not living in the world like that. And in our world of music we have many type of chords, each having a distinct quality that helps give each piece of music a unique sound.

Chords have different qualities. Not that there are good chords and bad chords but chord quality simply refers to what the chord sounds like. Each chord quality has a unique (or distinctive) sound. Many people associate emotions with the sounds of the different qualities and composers often use these qualities to draw out an emotional response from people listening to their music.

The two most basic chord quality is Major and Minor. Other chord qualities include Dominant 7th (or simply 7th), Minor 7th, and Major 7th.

The following list briefly describes each of these types of chord qualities:

Major chords: These are simple chords that have a stable sound.

Minor chords: These are simple chords that have a soft, sometimes sad sound.

Dominant 7th chords / 7th: These are bluesy, funky-sounding chords.

Major 7th chords: These chords sound bright and jazzy.

Minor 7th chords: These chords sound mellow and jazzy.

If you are a chord quality, what would you be?

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