Thursday, June 20, 2013

Guitar Secrets Revealed - How to become a guitar master

Eric Clapton performing in his concert. Photo Credits

Do you think Eric Clapton woke up an amazing guitarist? NO!
He practiced, and practiced, and practiced. Guitar masters probably practiced hours and hours every day. To become good at guitars, you must pay your dues.

It's very obvious to say that the more you practice the better you’ll get - but it’s the simple TRUTH. And the more time you spend practicing your guitar, the faster you'll get good at it.

Although there’s no set amount of practice time for “getting good,” a good rule of thumb is to practice a minimum of 30 minutes every day. Also, it’s generally agreed that practicing at regular intervals is better than performing a week’s worth of time all into one practice session. If at first you encounter a new technique difficult to master, stick with it, and you’ll eventually get the hang of it. Be persistent!

Eddie Van Halen shredding his guitar. Photo Credits

Eddie Van Halen used to walk around his house with the guitar strapped on and practicing constantly; he'd sit on his bed for hours on end with a guitar while other people went to malls and parties.

Are you ready and willing to do the same? 

Girl practicing guitar in her free time. Photo Credits

To get even better with your guitar, I would suggest the following:

Set aside a certain time every day for practicing. Becoming an exceptionally talented and charismatic guitarist is simply all about dedication and discipline.

Surround yourself with talented musicians. If you want to be good, you have to play with the best guitar players you can find and learn from them. Get together with your guitar-playing friends, and get them to listen to what you’re doing.

Beware of distractions. Create a practice environment where you have privacy. When practicing you need to have focus. Like in Tai Chi, if you practice with 100 percent concentration, you'll become five times faster and better; so when you practice, do it slowly and concentrate.

Watch videos of guitar players who play the kind of music you like and that you’d like to learn. Study your idols. Listen to other guitarists and learn from them. Most likely, you'll be inspired and you'll be needing a lot of motivation when the going gets tough.

And last but not the least, BE COMMITTED!

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