Sunday, June 2, 2013

Get Ready Get Set But Not Yet

Hey guys! How are you?

I was away for a week to do some stuff but here I am back again.

Guitarist fingering a chord. Photo source

How's your tuning going?

I do hope that you already mastered tuning your guitar using the relative tuning method, at least.
Anyway, you can easily review my previous posts about tuning if you are having problems getting your guitar in tune.

After learning how to tune, you are almost ready to start learning how to play your guitar.
Sounds exciting, right?

But, wait a second, I said you are ALMOST ready...

Before you actually start playing, you need to learn these very important things:

  • Proper posture
  • Proper hand positioning
  • Reading tabs and diagrams
  • Playing chords

Why do you need to learn these things?

A girl practicing with her guitar. 

Let me share with you my experience...

When I started learning how to play a guitar, I usually get a buzzing or a muting sound almost everytime I played the A-chord. The A-chord looks very simple but then I was having troubles making it sound right. If I strum the strings, it isn't noticeable but when I plucked the strings individually, I would get a muted sound. I tried pressing it as hard as I can thinking that it was because I was not pressing it harder. Part of it was true, however, because of too much force I exerted to play chords, my left-hand often got strained and I could not even finish a single song. Ouch!

I did not know what caused it until I learned that, in order to play a guitar well, you need to learn first the proper hand positioning and posture. After making the adjustments of how I played my guitar, I was able to play the songs I like with ease and with a very clear sound.

Thus, I insist that you have to learn these skills and tools first. Why? Simply because I care. I don't want you to experience what I experienced which was not only painful but also very frustrating.

This won't take very long. Stick with me.

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