Thursday, June 27, 2013

Playing All 12 Major Chords Using The Barre F Chord Form

Knowing how to play an Playing all 12 major chords using the Barre F chord form as a barre chord allows you to play every major chord by simply moving up the neck.

Barred F Chord Form.

That's amazing, right?

To determine the name of the chord that you are playing, you simply need to know the name of the note that you are playing on its root string, the 6th string.

For your quick reference about the notes of the 6th string on specific frets, see the figure below:

FRET 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
NOTE F F#/Gb G G#/Ab A A#/Bb B C C#/Db D D#/Eb E

"#" symbol denotes a sharp (F# is read as F-sharp)
"bsymbol denotes a  flat (Ab is read as A-flat)

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